Russia Beyond The Headlines reaches the most influential, engaged and upscale audience in eight countries due to its distribution within leading newspapers. The project creates a ‘Power Cities Package,’ which includes key metropolitan areas - centers of opinion and influence - around the world.
Target Audience
The RBTH readership in The Washington Post, USA Click to expand
55-60% of The Washington Post circulation with the RBTH supplement is guaranteed to reach key influence groups:
The Washington Post Click to expand
Circulation | 582,844 (Source : ABC / Washington Post Publisher’s Statement Oct 2009) |
Readership | 1,499,900* |
Key Readership Facts | The Washington Post reaches almost 1 in 3 Adults (32%) in Washington DMA.* The median age of a Washington Post reader is 51 (US adult population median is 46). The median household income among Washington Post readers is almost twice that of the average US household. (US$110,200 vs. US$55,300)* Washington Post readers are twice as likely as the US population to be graduates (54% vs. 26%)* Washington Post readers are 84% more likely than the US adult population to be in professional or management positions. (46% vs. 25%)* |
*Source: Scarborough 2009, Release 2
The Washington Post website:
Audience | 10.9 million adults in the USA* 3.7 million adults outside the USA* |
Key Traffic Fact | 1.5 million readers are from the Washington DMA – this equates to 31% - almost 1 in 3 – adults in the area – and 39% of the adult internet audience in the area.* |
Key User Facts | reaches 3 million business decision makers. The profile of the USA audience is as follows*:
* Sources : NielsenOnline NetView 3 mth averages Nov 2009 – Jan 2010, Nielsen Online@Plan Winter 2010
The Daily Telegraph Click to expand
Circulation | 685,177 (ABC Feb 2010) |
Readership | 1,898,000 (NRS Jan – June 2009) |
Key Readership Facts |
The Daily Telegraph website:
Monthly Unique Users Monthly Page Views Monthly Visits | 6,076,000 121,157,386 21,761,848 (Nielsen /TMG) |
Key Traffic Fact | The number of monthly unique users has grown 80 % year on year (Nielsen / TMG) |
Key User Facts |
(Nielsen / TMG December 2009) |
The Economic Times Click to expand
Circulation | 651,145 (ABC Jan – June 2009) |
Readership | 1,750,000 (Source; Indian Readership Survey 2009) |
Key Readership Facts | 94% of ET readers are in Urban India 73% of ET readers are graduates or above educated 78% of ET readers are Sec AB 66% of ET readers are aged under 40. ( Source ; Indian Readership Survey 2009) 75% of all CEOs, Chairmen read The Economic Times. Tat’s nearly 4 times as many as its nearest competitor. (Source ; Decisionmakers Survey 2006) 51% of Corporate Decisionmakres with income over US$ 200,000 a year read The Economic Times. (Source ; Decisionmakers Survey 2006) 56% of readers are within the important and influential Metro centres are listed above (Source ; Indian Readership Survey 2009) |
The Economic Times website:
Monthly Unique Users Monthly Page Views Monthly Visits | 5.84 million 77.4 million 16.2 million |
Key Traffic Fact | Growth (09-10 vs. 08-09) Page views – 43% User users – 17% Visits – 8% |
Key User Facts | Male:Female — 75:25 Age 25 -44 – 60% |
Le Figaro Click to expand
Circulation | 330.962 (Source : OJD 2010) |
Readership | 1,268,000 (EPIQ 2008/2009) |
Key Readership Facts | 60% of Figaro reader read no other French national daily newspaper 54% readers are Male. 562,000 PREMIUM readers ie high income and / or decision makers 253,000 business decision makers, including 26,000 CEOs. (Sources : EPIQ & PREMIUM 2009) |
Le Figaro website:
Unique Users | 5,983,667 (Source Nielsen Netratings 4th trimester) |
Key Traffic Fact | Growth (09-10 vs. 08-09) Page views – 43% User users – 17% Visits – 8% |
Key User Fact | The leading French news website, with 527,000 more unique users than its nearest French competitor (Source Nielsen Netratings 4th trimester) |
Дума Click to expand
Circulation | 14 000 |
Key Circulation Fact | 35 % subscription 65 % direct sale |
Readership | Daily readership 60 000 |
Key Readership Facts | Male 55 % Female – 45 % Age profile - 46 % 26-55) Key target groups:
Market position 10th place among 24 national daily newspapers (TNS market research, February 2010 ) |
Duma website:
Monthly Unique Users Monthly Page Views Monthly Visits | 38 418 unique users 825 795 pages 77 446 monthly visits (February 2010) |
Key Traffic Fact | Started the new website on July 1st 2009 and from then the audience is growing every month. The daily web traffic peak is at 9 -10 a.m. and 17-20 p.m. , because the majority of readers are state employees. The weekly web traffic peak is on Friday and Saturday at an average of five minutes stay online. |
Key User Facts | Male:Female — 75:25 Age 25 -44 – 60% |
Jornal do Brasil Click to expand
Circulation | Average Weekdays: 89.000 / Sunday: 127.000 |
Key Circulation Fact | In 2007, following developments to content and design overall circulation of JB went up 27%, the most remarkable increase among quality papers in Brazil. 88% of copies sold are in Rio de Janeiro Capital |
Readership | Weekday readers: 282.000 Sunday readers: 402.000 (Source: Marplan) |
Key Readership Facts | 51% Men / 49% Women 79% AB Class 6% <19 Years 43% 20/39 Years 32% 40/65 Years 19% >66 Years (Source: Marplan) |
Jornal do Brasil website:
Monthly Unique Users Monthly Page Views Monthly Visits | 629,125 5,478,950 1,496,351 (Source: Google Analytics 26.02.10 – 28.03.10) |